iKnowBase Process Services for Activiti

The iKnowBase Process Services for Activiti is a set of tools and techniques that enables the building of process-centric applications using the combined power of iKnowBase® and Activiti®. The iKnowBase Process Services for Activiti comprises the following items:


In order to use the iKnowBase Process Services for Activiti, the following must be done:

Developing process applications

Developing process applications typically comprises the following steps:

The integration mechanisms between the two technologies (iKnowBase and Activiti) are kept intentionally simple:

iKnowBase ships with a ProcessStudio application that contains sample data.

Accessing Activiti data from a ScriptViewer

This groovy script shows the fundamentals of accessing and presenting data from an iKnowBase component:

// Prepare some utitlity variables 
def engine = bpmClient.activitiEngine

// Create a query using Activiti apis, and load data
def query = engine.historyService.createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery().startedBy("orcladmin").orderByProcessInstanceId().desc()
def rowcount = query.count()
def instances = query.listPage(1, 20)

// Render data using the groovy MarkupBuilder which is automatically supplied
html.div {
    h1 ("Process instances started by orcladmin, ordered by processInstanceId (rows 1-20)")
    table {
        tr {
            th ("Process Definition Id")
            th ("Process Instance Id")
            th ("Start time")
        instances.each { instance ->
            tr {
                th (instance.processDefinitionId)
                th (instance.id)
                th (instance.startTime)

Accessing iKnowBase data from a ScriptTask

This groovy script shows the fundamentals of accessing and working with iKnowBase data from an Activiti ScriptTask:

import com.iknowbase.api.contentservices.v2.model.*

// Init
def userref = new UserReference().withUsername(initiator)
def docref = new DocumentReference().withId(ikbDocumentId)

def document = iknowbase.documentService.getDocument(

document.setDescription(document.getDescription() + "<p>Activiti process: Document approved</p>")

  null, null, null, false

Using a form to start processes and complete UserTasks

First, define an Activiti StartEvent or UserTask with the relevant form properties. The XML below is an extract from the Activiti BPMN definition:

<userTask id="registerissue" name="Register issue" activiti:assignee="${initiator}"
        <activiti:formProperty id="hdTitle" name="Title" type="string" required="true"></activiti:formProperty>
        <activiti:formProperty id="hdDescription" name="Description" type="string"></activiti:formProperty>
        <activiti:formProperty id="hdPriority" name="Priority" type="long"></activiti:formProperty>
        <activiti:formProperty id="hdCategory" name="Category" type="long"></activiti:formProperty>

Then, in iKnowBase, define a page with an Activity Task Form component based on a FreeMarker template such as this one:

[#macro showForm]
		<td>[@form.label bind="task.hdTitle" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.input name="task.hdTitle" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.label bind="task.hdDescription" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.input name="task.hdDescription" type="textarea" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.label bind="task.hdPriority" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.input name="task.hdPriority" type="select" attribute="IKB_PRIORITY" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.label bind="task.hdCategory" /]</td>
		<td>[@form.input name="task.hdCategory" type="select" attribute="IKB_SUBJECT"  /]</td>
    [@form.button name="submit"      action="submit" attributes='accesskey="x"'      ]Fullf�r oppgave[/@form.button]

[#macro thankyou]
<h1>Thank you!</h1>
<p>Your comment has been submitted. Click to view
<a href="/dev/activiti/processdefinitions/processinstance?processInstanceId=${form.data["task"].processInstanceId}">process details</a>.</p>

[#if form.currentCommand.action! == 'submit']
    [@thankyou /]
    [@showForm /]

A couple of items of interest:

See the chapter Activiti Form Viewer in iKnowBase API Reference for further details.