SOLR Schema model

Integration between SOLR and iKnowBase is implemented with usage of a solr configuration (in iKBStudio) where the mapping between iKnowBase attributes and the Solr schema is done.
To support the dynamic attribute model in iKnowBase, we use dynamic fields in Solr to store, index or make searchable the same attributes.
Also NLS-support is implemented with dynamic fields, and by default Norwegian and English is supported. If the iKnowBase instance supports more languages, we need to add the required fields for each language.

Overview of iKnowBase fields in solr/Schema.xml

Tag type Description property
id System Unique identifier for a solr document. Syntax is <application>-<documentId> where application is typically IKNOWBASE Stored, indexed
indextime System Indicates when the document was last indexed in SOLR Stored, Indexed
document_id Document iKnowBase document id Stored, indexed
url Document The URL to the document in iKnowBase Stored
title Document The title in iKnowBase Stored, indexed
description Document Description of the document
body Document The body text or content from a file
type_<language> Document Name of the information type Stored,Indexed
status_<language> Document Document status Stored,Indexed
acl_id Document ACL id on the document. -1 if null Indexed
owner_id Document The ownerID of the document Indexed
valid_from Document Indicated when the document is valid from Stored, Indexed
*_single_qc Dynamic Used to build query completion fields. Single valued Indexed
*_multi_qc Dynamic Used to build query completion fields. Multi valued Indexed
content1 Query field Contains the searchable title Indexed
content2 Query field Contains the searchable description Indexed
content3 Query field Contains the searchable body text Indexed
content4 or content4_<language> Query field Contains the searchable attribute values Indexed
stem1 Query field Stemmer field for title Indexed
stem2 Query field Stemmer field for description Indexed
stem3 Query field Stemmer field for body Indexed
stem4 or stem4_<language> Query field Stemmer field for attribute values Indexed
*_search<_language> Attribute Makes the value searchable
*_index<_language> Attribute Index the value. Can be used as a query condition Indexed
*_store<_language> Attribute Stores the value. Used for presentation Store
*_search_index<_language> Attribute Combined field Stored, Indexed
*_search_store<_language> Attribute Combined field Stored
*_search_index_store<_language> Attribute Combined field Stored, Indexed
*_index_store<_language> Attribute Combined field Stored,Indexed
*_index_store_date Attribute Date type to store and index dates Store, Indexed
*_store_date Attribute Date type to store dates Indexed
*_index_date Attribute Date type to index dates Indexed
*_ident Attribute Integer type to handle id’s e.g dimensionID Stored, Indexed
*_guid Attribute String type to handle GUID values e.g dimensionGuid Stored, Indexed
*__path Attribute String type to handle dimension paths Stored