
Stylesets are reusable fragments of HTML-markup that can be used to �decorate" certain other components, in order to customize the HTML-markup from them. In general, stylesets are used with components that do not allow template-based output.

There are three different styleset types:

Styleset iKnowBase Properties

This section describes the properties of an iKnowBase style set, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description

Select the appropriate subsystem.


Type a description for this style set.


Type the HTML header you want to render at the top of the style set, before rendering content.

You may use substitution tags to insert context-specific content into the header.


Type the HTML footer you want to render at the end of the style set, after rendering content.

You may use substitution tags to insert context-specific content into the footer.

Table tags

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TABLE> tag enclosing the content.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

HTML-tags for rows

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TR> tag enclosing each row of the content.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

Tags for Select-list in search

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <SELECT> tag that will be rendered when selecting between multiple search sources in a search dialog.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:


Applicable for Build search dialog portlets.

Alternative row

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TR> tag for alternate rows (2,4,6�). Use this to highlight alternate rows.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

Row tag to labels

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TR> tag for heading rows for a tabular list.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

Tags on input-field in search dialog

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <INPUT> tags that will be rendered for search forms.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

Table tags for status line

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TABLE> tag enclosing the navigation controls (first/next), if enabled.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

HTML-Tags for the text on the status line

Type the tags you want rendered for the text rendered in the navigation controls (first/next), if enabled.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag.

Font class for buttons

Type the font class you want rendered for any buttons rendered.

Styleset Menu Properties

This section describes the properties of an menu style set, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description

Select the appropriate subsystem.


Type a description for this style set.


Type the HTML header you want to render at the top of the style set, before rendering content.

You may use substitution tags to insert context-specific content into the header.


Type the HTML footer you want to render at the end of the styleset, after rendering content.

You may use substitution tags to insert context-specific content into the footer.

Table tags

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TABLE> tag enclosing the content.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

HTML-tags for rows

Type the attributes you want rendered for the <TR> tag enclosing each row of the content.

iKnowBase will render the value inside the tag, like this:

Font class for menus

Type a font class for menu items that have sub menus.

Font class for menu items

Type a font class for menu items that do not have sub menus.

Font class for active menu element

Type a font class for active menu elements.

Root menu: Table tags

Type the appropriate HTML tags. If the root menu appears, these tags are inserted in the <TABLE> tag that encloses the root menu.

Root menu: Table row tags

Type the appropriate HTML tags. These tags are inserted in the <TR> tag that contains the root menu.

Root menu: Font class for text

Type a font class that is for the text of the root menu.

Font class for buttons

Type the font class for any buttons rendered.


Displays a globally unique identifier number for this component. This property appears after you save a component. You cannot update the information of this property.


Displays a unique identifier number for this component. This property appears after you save a component. You cannot update the information of this property.


Displays when the component was created and by whom it was created.


Displays when the component was last updated and by whom it was updated.

Substitution Tags

In the HTML fields (header and footer), you can use substitution tags insert context-specific content.

Property Description
#TITLE# or ${}

You can use this tag to display the portlet name inside the header text.

:LANGUAGE_ID or ${viewer.logic.languageId}

If the NLS-supported text is also entered in the HTML code, you can use this tag.


You can use this tag to display the reference path of the portlet instance in the header text.

#SHOW_MORE# OR ${viewer.navigation.moreLink}

If you want to create a link to a new search source, you can use this tag. You must set up a search source and a target page in the viewer.

You must build the a-tag.

<a #SHOW_MORE#>Show more</a>

You can also use <ORACLE> tags to run PL/SQL commands inside the text.

For example:


Substitution Tags for Styleset Portlet Header

When using Oracle Portal, you can ask Oracle Portal to generate a portlet header. However, you cannot customize the Portal-generated header. Therefore, you can instead choose to use porlet header styleset.

Property Description

Link to the about function.


Link to the collapse function.


HTML code that appears for the expand/collapse function.


Link to the customize function.


Link to the help function.


Link to the remove function.


Portlet title given in the viewer definition.


Link to the refresh function.


Internal reference to the portlet instance. This must be sent as an ID for the refresh, collapse/expand, and remove functions.