XML viewer

The XML viewer allows you to use FreeMarker templates to load XML and display it.


This section describes the properties of a XML viewer portlet, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description

Enter a file reference to the FreeMarker template that the portlet uses. This reference is relative to the iknowbase-webapp application:


Note: You can load the XML directly from the template by using the loadXML FreeMarker macro. This enables you to load XML from multiple sources in the same template. Leave the Target and Parameter undefined.


Select the target to display the XML you want to load.

This target must be of type parameter, and the parameters that are associated with this target must be of type URL-parameters. You can specify default values for the URL-parameters on the target. Parameters passed to the target will override the default values.


Enter the parameter name of the URL-parameter which contains the URL that you want to load XML data from. If this is set, the XML viewer ignores any target specified in the Target property.


Set the timeout interval.