Activiti Form viewer

The Activiti Form viewer is the component used to render forms related to the Activiti process engine, related to either starting new processes or completing manual tasks.

A few nice-to-know items about the Activiti Form viewer:


The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available to the Activiti FormViewer:


This object contains information about the form data and form components, as well as directives used to render the form.

Property Description Type
currentCommand The current command of this invocation HashModel
form Directive used to print the html code for the form FormDirective
input Directive used to create and render a UI component for the form FormInputDirective
label Directive used to render a label for a component of the form FormLabelDirective
button Directive used to render an action button FormButtonDirective
message Directive used to render a message for a component of the form FormMessageDirective
row Directive used to render a html row with label and input FormRowDirective
rows Directive used to render html rows for many data elements FormRowsDirective
components Hash with user inteface components of the form FormComponentModel


This object contains information about a single Activiti FormData object for the form, either a Task form or a Start form, depending on usage.

Property Description Type
type Type of form data, either “TaskFormData” or “StartFormData” String
processDefinitionId ID of activiti process definition String
processInstanceId ID of the process instance. For a start form, this has value only after submitting the form. String
formKey Form key defined on the activiti form String
task Wrapped object of the underlying task. Valid only for Task forms. For detailed information, see the FreeMarker documentation of the Task class String
items Map of items, with all values as strings. HashModel


This object, accessible through ${form.components[_componentname_]} (e.g form.components["task.description"] to access the component named “task.description”), contains information about a single form component. Note that the component models are only available after the component has been created through a form.input reference during the initial rendering; this means that the model is always available after a redisplay of the form (e.g. if validation fails, or if you use a command which does not submit data), but that the first time you display the form, the component does not exist prior to the form.input reference.

Property Description Type
name Name of the component String
bindExpression Bind expression of the component String
value Value of the component (Any)


<!-- Bind and value will be empty on initial rendering -->
Description: Bind=${form.components["task.description].bindExpression!}: Value=${form.components["task.description].value!}<br />

[@form.form debug="true"]
   [@form.input name="task.description" /]                  <!-- Creates the component during initial rendering -->

<!-- Bind will not be empty during initial rendering; value might be (depends on Activiti form defintition -->
Description: Bind=${form.components["task.description].bindExpression!}: Value=${form.components["task.description].value!}<br />


This directive is used to render a <form> html tag. The directive must be closed at the end.

Parameter Description Type
debug Set to “true” to render debug information at end of form. Optional . String


[@form.form debug="true"]


This directive is used to create a form component and render an input field for a data model item. The directive will automatically adapt its defaults according to the underlying data object’s semantics.

Parameter Description Type
name Name you want to use for component; this will also be the “name” attribute in the html form. String
bind Path to object you want to load data from and store data to, such as “task.description”. If not present, it will default to the “name” attribute. String
type Type of input field, according to table below. Default value will depend on type of the bound object String
attribute External key of iKnowbBase attribute used to determine field type String
<default> Other parameters are rendered as they are, allowing any html attribute to be used and rendered. String

The input fields can take many different forms, depending on its type. The type is initially decided from the underlying data field, such that a numeric field will render as a number field. You can also specify a type manually to override this; this is particularly useful when a single field type has many possible renderings (such as a list of values, which can render as select or radio, and sometimes even as a popup).

Type Description
text Normal text input field
number Input field of type number
textarea Normal text area
tinymce Text area with tinymce editor
date Text field with date popup and date format
datetime-local Text field with datetime popup and format
hidden Hidden input field
checkbox Check box to toggle a boolean value on or off
radio Radio list (buttons), with values popuplated from underlying data field
select Select list (drop down), with values populated from underlying data field.
popup Popup button, with values populated from underlying data field.


<!-- Default input field -->
[@form.input name="task.title" /]
<!-- Text area and tinymce editor -->
[@form.input name="description" bind="task.description" type="textarea" /]
[@form.input name="content"     bind="task.content" type="tinymce" tinymce="small"/]
<!-- Renders a dimension navigator, a drop-down to select dimensions and a user popup to select user, based on attribute definitions -->
[@form.input name="dimNavPopup"  bind="task.organization" attribute="MY_ORG_DIM_ATTRIBUTE" /]
[@form.input name="dimNavSelect" bind="task.brand"        attribute="MY_BRAND_DIM_ATTRIBUTE" /]
[@form.input name="userPopup"    bind="task.manager"      attribute="MY_USER_ATTRIBUTE" /]


This directive is used to render a label for a data model item, using the label defined in the underlying data model. For example, an Activiti Task item will have an attached label that you can render using this directive.

Parameter Description Type
bind Path to object you want to render label for String


[@form.label bind="task.description" /]


This directive is used to render an action button for the form.

Parameter Description Type
name Name of button to create. Required. String
action Action you want the button to perform. Use “submit” to submit form data; leave out to just reload form. Optional. String


<!-- Simple save-action -->
[@form.action name="submit" action="submit"]Complete task[/@form.action]
<!-- Three buttons, typically used on page 3 in a wizard. Use ${} to decide which page to display -->
[@form.action name="page2"]Previous[/@form.action]
[@form.action name="page2"]Next[/@form.action]
[@form.action name="submit" action="submit"]Complete task[/@form.action]


This directive is used to render a message for a component of the form. Messages are typically the result of validation failures (for most input fields), but are also used to store errors occuring during action processing.


<!-- A typical scenario rendering a label, an input field and an error message -->
<td>[@form.label bind="task.valuelist" /]</td>
<td>[@form.input name="task.valuelist" attribute="SYSTEST_ATTR_VALUELIST" /]</td>
<td>[@form.message for="task.valuelist" class="validationerror" /]</td>
<!-- Renders an error message for a "submit" button -->
[@form.action name="submit" action="submit"]Complete task[/@form.action]
[@form.message for="submit" class="validationerror" /]