Java applications


iKnowBase comes with two web applications that comprise the server side components of iKnowBase:

Special requirements


For the quickstart application server, installation is quick and mostly automatic:

$ cd /opt/iknowbase/production
$ ./ setIkbPassword orcladmin secretpassword
$ ./ webServer

When the server has started, you should be able to navigate to a few interesting links:

For further configuration options, or if you want to install on an alternative application server, see the details for each of them:

Web application security

During or after deployment, you need to configure security for the application (NOT the same as content security). Again, the configuration method will vary from application server to application server.

See Installation Guide > Web Application Security for details and examples.
See Installation Guide > Configuration > Spring Security for available configuration options.

Advanced topics

Deploy with alternate context root (/ikbViewer)

In the default and recommended installation, the iKnowBase web application is deployed to “/”, so that you can access pages and components without an application-specific prefix. For compatibility reasons, the server will automatically also handle all requests to “/ikbViewer/*”, and redirect them to “/*”.

While it is technically possible to deploy to a different root (e.g. “/ikbViewer”), we do not recommend this. It brings no apparent benefit, but the user experience is negatively impacted. That said, should you choose to do so:

Note that the WebDAV service will not work when deployed to a context root other than “/”.


The iKnowBase application itself supports clustered deployment, but the “Instant” and “WebDAV” modules do not. If you intend to use those modules, they must be deployed to a standalone server instance with no clustering.

In a clustered setup, load balancers must use session persistence / sticky sessions so that a single user session is always served by the same host.