Viewer module

The viewer module is the main runtime component of iKnowBase, responsible for serving content (pages and documents) to end users over a web interface. The module is almost always enabled, and we rarely recommend that it be disabled.

The ViewerConfiguration accepts these configuration properties:

Property name Description
com.iknowbase.viewer.enabled Toggles whether the viewer server modules are available.


The Content Server is the unit responsible for serving file content, such as word documents or PDFs. The ContentServerConfiguration accepts these configuration properties:

Property name Description
com.iknowbase.contentServer.defaultContentDisposition Set to “inline” to have the browser try to open documents in-line, or to start Office for viewing. Set to “attachment” to have “save as” as the default browser behaviour.
com.iknowbase.contentServer.createResponseHeaders Toggles whether to include HTML-headers for document information. Normally left unchanged.


The Page Engine is the unit responsible for composing portlets and data, and rendering information to web clients.

The PageEngineConfiguration accepts these configuration properties:

Property name Description
com.iknowbase.pageEngine.contentCacheEnabled Toggles whether content caching is used at all. The legal values are either “true” or “false”.


The Search Client, using SOLR, handles connections to a SOLR search server. iKnowBase is capable of using multiple search engines for searching. The administrative interface uses a logical “search engine name” when mapping content for searching; for each such there is a corresponding SearchEngineConfiguration accepting these configuration properties:

Property name Description
com.iknowbase.searchEngine. <searchEngineName>.search.URL URL to index server, e.g.
com.iknowbase.searchEngine. <searchEngineName>.search.connectionTimeoutMillis Max number of milliseconds to wait for the connection.
com.iknowbase.searchEngine. <searchEngineName>.search.operationTimeoutMillis Max number of milliseconds to wait for the operation.

Note that you may also configure search engines using the iKnowBase Java Development Toolkit. Any managed bean of type “org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient” will be discovered, and a corresponding search client will be created. Using this mechanism provides the ultimate control of the SolrServer connection parameters.

Activiti BPM Platform

iKnowBase comes with an embedded process engine based on the Activity BPM Platform. This engine must be explicitly enabled if you want to use it.

iKnowBase Process Studio capable of managing Activiti process definitions, running processes and tasks is available as a plugin extension.

The ActivitiProcessEngineConfiguration accepts these configuration properties:

Property name Description
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.enabled Toggles whether the activiti engine is enabled
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.jobExecutorEnabled Toggles whether the activiti engine will pick up jobs from the database, or only respond to online requests
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.processEngineName Sets the name of the process engine. Should normally not be changed.
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.mailServerDefaultFrom Sets default “from” address for email sent from activiti.
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.mailServerHost Hostname for smtp server used when sending email.
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.mailServerPort Port number for smtp server.
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.mailServerUsername Username used for logging in to email server when sending email.
com.iknowbase.process.activiti.mailServerPassword Password used for logging in to email server when sending email.

iKnowBase Process Studio

iKnowBase Process Studio is a web-based tool for starting and monitoring processes and completing user tasks. It is distributed as a plugin. For installation instructions, see the Installing plugins and patches section.

Troubleshooting: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment

If you get the exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment when viewing a process instance diagram, you should add the following to your file:
