Preview Pages

Preview pages are a mechanism you can use to enable document preview, typically during a publishing process.

To accomplish a preview feature in your iKnowBase application, perform the following:

  1. Declare one or more preview page components for a given document type. Specify all appropriate targets for documents with the given document type and images representing those targets.
  2. Use a Preview portlet to render all the available preview pages for a document with a given document type.


This section describes the properties of a preview page, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description
Document type

Select the document type that you want to map preview pages for.

Note: This property is not available for update after initial save of the preview page.


Select a target that can be used for preview.


Type the path of the image which illustrates the target page on the preview page. This image will be a link to the specified target.

The image must be placed under the resource directory.


Select the appropriate subsystem.