BPEL Task form


The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available to the BPEL Task form.

Global objects

These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker from a task form.

Object Description Type
form This object contains the form information TaskFormModel
xmlform This object contains the URL that the XMl was loaded from XML NodeModel
definition Form defintion DefinitionModel


This object contains information about the form.

Property Description Type
javascript Javascripts that the form requires String
taskFields HTML containing required form elements for the form String
param Parameter information ParameterModel
claimurl URL to action for claiming a task String
claimlink Full HTML for <a> tag to claim a task String
needsClaim Boolean value indicating whether a value needs to be claimed Boolean
notClaimable Boolean value indicating whether a value can be claimed Boolean
claimedByUser Boolean value indicating whether this task has been claimed by this user Boolean
claimedByOther Boolean value indicating whether this task has been claimed by this user Boolean
claimedBy Username for user that has claimed task String
username Username for logged-on user String


This object contains the form elements themselves, in an XML-structure easily accessible to FreeMarker’s XML-functions.

Property Description Type
formcancel HTML to generate a form that is required for the cancel action String
formbegin HTML containing required form elements for the form String
attributes This object contains all the attributes defined in the form. AttributesModel
submit This object contains all the submit actions in the form SubmitModel


This object, in fact an XML-based NodeModel, contains information on all the attributes in a form.

Property Description Type
attribute Liste of all attributes ListModel
<name> A given attribute AttributeModel


This object, in fact an XML-based NodeModel, contains information about a single attribute in a form.

Property Description Type
label Label for the attribute. String
value HTML to generate the input field for the attribute. String


This object, in fact an XML-based NodeModel, contains information about the normal submit-actions in a form.

Property Description Type
apply HTLM to generate an apply-button String
save HTML to generate a save-button String
reset HTML to generate a reset-button String


This object, in fact an XML-based NodeModel, contains information about the process task definition.

Property Description Type
outcomes List of possible outcomes ListModel
taskDefinitionId ID for the task definition String
title Task title String
priority Task priority Number