BPEL Task viewer


The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available to the BPEL Task viewer.

Global objects

These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker from a task viewer.

Object Description Type
wf This object contains the task information TaskModel


This object contains information about the task

Property Description Type
data Data objects for a task TaskDataModel
style Style elements for a task TaskStyle
param URL parameter information for the viewer ParameterModel


This object contains information about the data objects for a task.

Property Description Type
size Number of tasks in list Number
taskurl URL to a page for viewing or editing a task String
claimurl URL to action for claiming a task String
claimlink Full HTML-link ( <a>) for claming a task String
needsClaim Boolean value indicating whether a value needs to be claimed Boolean
notClaimable Boolean value indicating whether a value can be claimed Boolean
claimedByUser Boolean value indicating whether this task has been claimed by this user Boolean
claimedByOther Boolean value indicating whether this task has been claimed by this user Boolean
claimedBy Username for user that has claimed task String
username Username for user currently logged on String
<name> The presentation style field object for a given field. The field name refers to “reference name” from the presentation style definition. TaskFieldModel


This object contains a single field from a task viewer.

Property Description Type
text The formatted text value of the field String
number The actual number value of the field, if applicable Number
date The date value of the field, if applicable Date
link Full HTML-link ( <a>) to the task form, using the field value as the link text String
fullname The full name for a user, applicable only when the field itself contains the username of the user String
<default> Field value; the type depends on the field type (Any)


This object contains style information for a task viewer.

Property Description Type
<name> The style field object for a given field. The field name refers to “reference name” from the presentation style definition. TaskStyleField


This object contains style information for a task viewer field.

Property Description Type
label The label value of the presentation style field String