
A target is a generic concept that is used to specify destinations for links and the content information to be displayed in the destination. Web-based applications use URLs to specify the content information and the location of the information. With iKnowBase, the task of generating context-based URL is abstracted into easy-to-use targets. You can view content information as is or add parameters that enable you to specify or filter the content that you want to display on the destination page.

iKnowBase enables you to create four types of targets:

You can use parameters with Page targets and Parameter targets. All parameters are transmitted as URL parameters, and might be used by the portlets and components on the destination page. The following parameter types are available for targets:


This section describes the properties of a target, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

The Parameters region on the Edit pane displays for Page targets and Parameter targets.

Property Description

Select the appropriate subsystem.

Target type

Displays the target type that you select.


Type a name for this target.


Type a description for this target.

External key

Type the appropriate external key. This key is an alternative key for the target page, and can be used to call a target page without using the target ID.

Select target

Select the appropriate target type and destination.

  • iKnowBase Page: If you want to go to an iKnowBase page, use this target type. Use the drop-down to the right to select the desired portal page.
  • Template: A template target runs a script, and returns the output to the user. A template target corresponds roughly to a Java servlet or a Groovy Groovlet. The template can either be an inline template or a shared template.
  • URL: If you want to go to a hardcoded URL, type the URL here. You can specify the URL in three ways:
    • Enter an absolute URL, starting with http://. The specified URL will be used as is.
    • Enter a relative URL, starting with /, to avoid hardcode of domain. The / will be substituted by the current domain. Example: /ikbViewer will produce
    • Enter a relative URL, starting with #, to call a pl/sql procedure. The notation is <provider>. procedure where procedure should be replaced by the name of the pl/sql procedure. The <provider> will be substituted by the current domain and the appropriate provider. Example: <provider>.portel_manage_redirect.redirect will produce portel_manage_redirect.redirect

Note: This property displays if you select the Page target type.

Run target thru JS-script

You can define a target where the URL built for the target is used as an input to a javascript instead of navigating directly to the URL. The code generated will look like this :
<a href="url" onClick=", this.href,'window name', 'window params');"

Listener Url

Define a listener URL if you want to generate more readable URLs. By default all URLs will be generated where the parameters end up at the end like this: /url?param=value1&param2=value2. A Listener URL can take the parameters and place them with understandable values inside the URLs instead.

You can either use one asterisk ( *), which will be a placeholder for one fragment, or two asterisks ( **), which means the value can contain backslashes ( /), e.g a dimension path. The fragments and the order between them are defined for each parameter in the target.


/mypage/*/*		Two fragments can be placed in the URL
/mypage/**/*		Two fragments can be placed in the URL, the first can contain "/"

You may also use URI Templates, which lets you map parts of the URL to named parameters. Note that URI Templates will never be used for URL generation, only for URL parsing. This means that URI Templates are most useful with targets that you activate by URL (for example from a client side script), and not so much when the target is activated automatically (by selection in e.g. a Menu or Dimension viewer).


/mytarget/{from}/{to}	The url /mytarget/OSL/CPH corresponds to /mytarget?from=OSL&to=CPH
Convert function

When defining a listener URL you need a custom function to build and parse the URL. The function will on BUILD get all parameter values for the target defined as fragments. The custom code must define how the value should appear in the URL. (e.g. a document ID should be presented as <docID>-<title>). Parse will do the opposite. The fragment will in example will be <docID>-<title> and should return the DocID.

Template set (only for template targets)

Please see Template Set in the DevelopmentReference for more information.

Window or frame name

Type the name of the web browser window or iframe where you want to open the target. Use “_blank” to always get a new window.

The frame name is rendered into the target-attribute of the HTML <a>-tag.


Select this check box to display a scroll bar for the new window.

Note: This field is applicable only to the Popup target type.


Select this check box to enable a user to resize the window.

Note: This field is applicable only to the Popup target type.


Select this check box to display the Windows Explorer toolbar.

Note: This field is applicable only to the Popup target type.

Menu bar

Select this check box to display the Windows Explorer menu bar.

Note: This field is applicable only to the Popup target type.


Type the width of the window in pixels.

Note: This field is applicable only to the Popup target type.


Type the height of the window in pixels.

Note: This field is applicable only to the Popup target type.


Displays a list of parameters associated with this target.

To add a new parameter, click on the new parameter icon ( ) of the appropriate type. See the introduction to this chapter for a description of the available parameter types.

To remove a parameter, click on the respective remove icon ( ).


Type the appropriate sort key, if you want the parameters in a specific order.

Parameter name
  • URL parameter / Function / Value from link / Constant: Type a name for this parameter. This will be used as the parameter name on the destination page.
  • IKB-URL parameter / iKnowBase parameter: Select the parameter you want to pass to the destination page. The list of selectable parameters is the union of all declared iKnowBase parameters, both iKnowBase and SQL, and parameters defined for iKnowBase external data sources.
  • URL parameter: Type the appropriate name of the parameter whose value will be retrieved from the current page URL.
  • IKB-URL parameter: Select the parameter whose value you want to extract from the current page URL.
  • Function: Enter the PL/SQL database function that will generate the parameter value.
  • Value from link: Select a parameter number that will be used in a custom function call.
  • Constant: Type a value that is sent to the target page.
  • iKnowBase parameter: Select a parameter number that will be used in a custom function call.

Used where a listener url is defined. The fragmentID correspond to the placement of the asterics (*) in the listener URL. If you have two * in the listener URL you should also have two fragments with id 1 and 2.