
Transformations are used to transform content in iKnowBase. Typical examples are image scaling or transformation to a different content type (e.g from word to PDF). Transformation are based
on instructions to providers supported by iKnowBase. By now we have the following providers : cloudconvert, fileconverter (Oracle InsideOut), image (iKnowBase image converter), ordimg (Oracle ORDIMAGE) and ctxdoc (Oracle Text conversion).
A transformation definition can have rules and include or exclude certain mimetypes or file formats.


This section describes the properties of an image variant, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description

Select the appropriate subsystem.

Display name

Give the transformation a name to describe the transformation.

External key

External key is a logical name that will be used as an instruction to the transformation service. Its is more readable than the actual instruction and creates more readable links.
e.g /transformation=scale95x95 instead of /transformation=image:resize:200:200:best-fit-shrink. NOTE: be aware if you change the external key, all links using the name like the document body will not be changed.

Sort order

Used to order the variants in image selectors (e.g. the image selector used in editors)


Defines if the variant is enabled. No variants will be created (or available from images functions) if the variant is disabled.

Content action type

Used from a content viewer and decides if the returning object should be a link or an image link.

Use in Wysiwyg-editors (image picklist)

Used when you want to insert a image link to a variant from the Wysiwyg-editor.

Use this variant as thumbnail?

Defines if the variant should be used as thumbnail in the image archive. Only one variant can be checked as thumbnail.

Define instructions and include / exclude content types

Create a rule for a certain file format. It can either be included or excluded. It you include the file format you need to give an instruction.


Create a rule for a certain mimetype. It can either be included or excluded. It you include the mimetype you need to give an instruction. Wildcard are allowed, e.g image/*.

Transformation instruction

Enter a valid instruction if the rule is an including one.


Decide if the rule is an exluding one.