
A Viewer enables you to present content from iKnowBase. When configuring a viewer, you must specify which content to retrieve (similar to the WHERE clause in SQL). You can use both static and dynamic criteria. You can associate the Viewer with a Presentation style to define how to present the content. If you do not specify a Presentation style, iKnowBase tries to find a Presentation style at run-time based on current domain/document type. If the document type is not associated with any presentation style, the viewer cannot retrieve a document.

There are two types of viewers.


This section describes the properties of a viewer, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane tabs. A SOLR viewer has only a subset of the properties available.

Edit Tab

Property Description

Select the appropriate subsystem.


Type a name for this viewer.

Display title

Type a title for this viewer. This may be presented to the end-user by a Presentation Style.

The title supports multiple languages.

External key

Type the appropriate external key. For SOLR viewers external key is a mandatory field, otherwise its optional.

SQL-hint (inner query)

For advanced users only, type the appropriate SQL hint for the inner query (where-condition part).

The hint will be inserted into the SQL-query; using the appropriate hint may help speed up query execution.

SQL-hint (outer query)

For advanced users only, type the appropriate SQL hint for the outer part of the query (select-part).

The hint will be inserted into the SQL-query; using the appropriate hint may help speed up query execution.

Custom access control

Type the name of the appropriate database procedure to use a special access control, if you want to extend the default access control. Note: You should use this carefully, as controlled security model may be set aside.

The following signature must be used for the database procedure:

PROCEDURE <package>.<procedure name> (
  site_id in number,
  user_id in number,
  reference_path in varchar2,
  result out

The returned result must be an SQL fragment which fits into the SQL WHERE clause generated by the Viewer. For example, the function could return

or oi1.owner_id = 125

and the query would then be

and (oi1.owner_id = <userid> 
or ((oi1.acl_guid is null 
or oi1.owner_id = 125 
or oi1.acl_guid in (select v_acl.acl_guid from v_acl)
Presentation style

Select the Presentation style you want to use to format the output.

Override styleset

Select the Styleset you want to apply. If set, this will override the styleset defined on the Presentation style to be used.

Target for text

Select the target page to use for link to documents with text content.

Target for links

Select the target page to use for link to documents with file or url content.

Callback function

A function used as callback from Forms when adding new documents or editing existing documents initiated from the viewer.

You can use this property to avoid page redirect upon save from form. The parameter passed to the callback function is a json object with the properties action and documentId. The callback function could for example reload the viewer.

Target to show_more page?

Select the target page to use for the “show more” link. Please note that the target definition should have a parameter named p_search_id as Parameter1.

Search source on the show_mode page

To reuse a single target page for multiple “show more” pages, select the search source you want to display on the target page.

# records

Type the number of rows that you want to extract at a time. The default value is 10.

Start from record

Type the row number from which you want to display the result set. The default value is 1.

Max records

Type the maximum number of documents that you want to extract. The default value is 100.

Cache interval (0 is none)

Type the time in minutes for which you want to keep content in the cache.

Show total number of rows

Select this check box to display the total number rows on the status line.

Override homeplace mapping

Select this check box to use the targets defined on this Viewer rather than the target selector mechanism.

Use “Target for text” for all content types

Select this check box to use the target defined in the Target for text property for all links to documents, disregarding the content type.

Save dynamic variable

Select this check box to use a session save on all the dynamic parameters. If these values are not in the URL, this property allows iKnowBase to save the last values.

If you do not save the session variables, no content appears when you enter the page without the necessary dynamic parameters specified on the portlet.

Print header also with no hits

Select this check box to display the title of the portlet if the search finds no documents.

Show quicklink inside header

Select this check box to display the quick links within the header section of the viewer.

Print portlet decoration

Select this check box to print the portlet decoration that surrounds the content in a portlet.

Log read operation

Uncheck if you want to avoid logging to the document statistic table. By default it will insert one row everytime a document with HTML-content is displayed.

Attributes Tab (only available for iKnowBase shared Viewer)

You can choose between four types of parameters:

When the parameter is selected, you must save before you can set any values.

Property Description

Delete the parameter by clicking the icon.


Displays the names of the selected attributes to use as conditions for the Search source.


You can for debugging reasons disable attributes.

Sql Clause

Used for performance reasons for advanced users. Will generate a SQL with either IN or EXISTS.


Select the appropriate conditions for the selected attributes. The conditions depend on the type of attribute. If the conditions exists or not exists are available you don’t need to add any values.

Note: You cannot select a condition for parameters.


Select or enter the appropriate values for the selected attributes. Available options depends on the attribute/parameter type. Date attributes allow use of NOW (with timestamp) and TODAY (truncated value)

Applicable to SQL parameters only when the parameter is defined with an attribute.

Traverse Tab (only available for iKnowBase shared Viewer)

The properties on the Traverse tab enables you to define a Viewer with traverse features, e.g. possibilities to display subdocuments or versions of the extracted documents. Examples are discussion forums and view all versions of a document.

Property Description
Select method

Choose how you want to traverse the document structure. You can choose between :

No traversal: will not retrieve any subdocuments Traverse down by using a connect-by clause: will fetch all subdocuments for every documents retrieved. It will use the same presentation style as defined on the main viewer definition. When selected, you can enter the number of levels you want to traverse.

Traverse up by using a connect-by clause: will fetch all documents above for every documents retrieved. It will use the same presentation style as defined on the main viewer definition. Suitable for viewers showing only one document where you want to see the top levels. When selected, you can enter the number of levels you want to traverse.

Traverse by using search sources: For each document it will run a new viewer. This is not as efficient (performance) as the above methods, but gives you the flexibility of defining separate conditions and presentation style for each level.


Type the level for the extraction source. Level 1 specifies first level, but you may specify extraction sources that traverse further on level 2 documents, etc.

Select source

Select the appropriate Search source as the base for the extraction of subdocuments. You can vary the style and layout on different levels.

Expand Collapse

To enable the expand/collapse functionality for the subdocuments, click Yes. To display the subdocuments directly, click No.

Icon Expand

Enter the reference to the icon to be used to expand the list of subdocuments. Note: You must click Yes in the Expand Collapse list.

Icon Collapse

Enter the reference to the icon to be used to collapse the list of subdocuments. Note: You must click Yes in the Expand Collapse list.

Quick Links Tab (only available for iKnowBase shared Viewer)

The properties on the Quick links tab enable you to generate links to create new documents in the Viewer. The link can point to a quick link, iKnowBase Form or Task Wizard. In order to use the Quick link to create a subdocument, you should define the Quick link to take a document ID as a dynamic parameter, which may be used to set the parent document for the document to be created.

Text Elements Tab

The properties on the Text elements tab enable you to define texts to use in the component. The texts are available as FreeMarker model objects in template-based Presentation styles. Multiple languages are supported.

Property Description

Type an identifier for the viewer.


Type the text labels that you want to use in a template. If multiple languages are supported in the solution, each language displays a box, where you can type the name of the form that appears. When you click in the Text box, the language box appears. The language code is placed behind the box.