OID Forgot Password


This section describes the properties of a Forgot password portlet, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description

Type a title for this portlet. If the Oracle Portal portlet region is set to display portlet decorations, this title is used as a border heading.

LDAP Profile

Select the appropriate LDAP profile.

E-mail sender

Type the e-mail address that is used to send e-mails to the users.

Style class for table

Select a CSS class for the surrounding div-tab.

Style class for text

Select a CSS class that is used for the text elements.

Style class for error text

Select a CSS class for the error messages.

Style class for button

Select a CSS class for the form button.

Require Password Hint

Specifies if a user must answer a hint question correctly before a new password is sent.


Specifies if a hint question must be answered correctly before a new password is sent to the user.

Error Scenarios

The following scenarios display an error message to the user: