
A group is a collection of users. Groups enable you to assign various types of access rights to multiple users at the same time, which makes user management easier and less time-consuming. Users in a group have some common characteristics. For example, users that work on the same level in a particular department can belong to one group.

Access rights assigned to a group are also assigned to all users that belong to that group. A user can be member of one or more groups at a time.

Group Properties

This section describes the properties of a group, as shown on the corresponding Edit pane.

Property Description
Label (language)

Type a label and description for this group One entry per supported language. This is the display name for the group.

External key

Type an additional identifier for this group. An external key is used in code that integrates external services with this iKnowBase group.

Members in the group

Displays a list of users who are members of this group.

To add a group member to a group, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Edit pane for the group, click on the action Add user or “Add Users”.
    • A window containing a list of existing users appears.
  2. Click on the select action for the user you want to add as a member to the group.
    • The selected user is added to the list of group members in the Edit pane, and the window containing the list of existing users closes.
  3. Click Save.

Note: Click on the Add multiple users action if you want to add more than one group member. The window containing the list of existing users will remain open until you explicitly close it by clicking on the Close button. Each time you click on the select action for a user, this user will be added to the list of group members in the Edit pane.

To remove a group member from a user, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Edit pane for the user, click on the remove action for the group member you want to remove.
    • A line-through will indicated that the member will be removed from the group.
  2. Click Save.
    • iKnowBase removes the member from this group.


This section describes the access control membership, as shown on the corresponding Membership pane.

Property Description

Displays a list of access control lists the group is a member of.

To add a acl membership, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the action Add acl or “Add acls”.
    • A window containing a list of access control lists appears.
  2. Click on the select action for the ACL you want to include the group as a member.
    • The selected ACL is added to the list of memberships, and the window containing the list of ACLs closes.
  3. Click Save.

Note: Click on the Add acls action if you want to add more than one acl. The window containing the list of acls will remain open until you explicitly close it by clicking on the Close button. Each time you click on the select action for a acl, this acl will be added to the list of acls.

To remove a group membership, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the remove action for the acl you want to remove the membership from.
  2. Click Save.
    • iKnowBase removes the acl membership from this group.

Check boxes for different privileges possible to set on a acl membership. See the section Access Control List for more information.